Customer experience ratings
Water companies aim to provide you with the very best quality services and value for money.
Satisfied with what is provided by companies
Satisfied with what is provided by companies
Satisfied with what is provided by companies
Satisfied it is value for money
Satisfied it is value for money
Satisfied it is value for money
CCW Water Matters Annual Tracking Survey
Source: CCW; England and Wales, Apr 2023 - Mar 2024
- water - satisfied with what is provided by companies
- sewerage - satisfied with what is provided by companies
How good is the customer experience provided by companies
of 100
Ofwat (the industry regulator) measures the quality of service that companies provide to customers on a routine basis. The measure used is called the Customer Measure of Experience (C—Mex) and is scored out of 100. The higher the score the better.
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Customer Measure of Experience (C-MeX)
Ofwat (the industry regulator) measures the quality of service that companies provide to customers on a routine basis. The measure used is called the Customer Measure of Experience (C—Mex) and is scored out of 100. The higher the score the better.
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